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The Abundance Mindset Checklist!

Mindset = Away of thinking

Two types of Mindset

  1. Scarcity mindset
  2. Abundance mindset

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Benefits of an Abundance mindset

  1. Appreciate your life
  2. Access More opportunities
  3. Decrease your daily stress
  4. Reduce your anxiety
  5. Take control of your life
  6. Foster happier and fulfilling relationships
  7. Improve your health

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Research and mindsets

A. Scarcity mindset and opportunities

  1. If you focus too much on what you don’t have, you could be missing the abundance around you

B. Scarcity mindset and decision-making

  1. make an instant gratifying purchase as opposed to “think about it"

C. Scarcity mindset and learning

  1. lower the psychological freedom of an individual
  2. limit their ability and openness to learn
  3. undermine their capacity to change

D. Scarcity mindset and health

  1. poor decisions in regard to the consumption of food
  2. leading individuals down the path of obesity, chronic disease, and illness Limiting behaviors

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Limiting Behaviors

  1. Focusing on the gaps
  2. Won’t ask for help
  3. Uncomfortable with compliments
  4. Dwelling on the past
  5. Using words like “can’t” or “don’t”
  6. Envying others
  7. Feeding a sense of urgency
  8. Blaming others

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Law of abundance

A. The balance between giving and receiving in various areas of life

  1. Work
  2. Relationships
  3. Finances

B. Define what you want with a clear statement of your goal

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Achievable
  4. Relevant
  5. Time-bound

C. What you need to attract abundance

  1. Learn to receive
  2. Find what you love
  3. Feel what you want
  4. Appreciate what you have
  5. Accept and let go
  6. Accomplish small actions

D.Implement changes with the GROW model

  1. Goal
  2. What do you want to manifest?
  3. What does that look like?
  4. Reality
  5. What is getting in the way?
  6. What blocks you from manifesting what you want?
  7. Options
  8. What steps could you take to reach your goal?
  9. What could you do differently?
  10. Will
  11. What will you do and how will you do it?
  12. When do you plan on taking those actions?

E. Daily practice of abundance

Be mindful

  1. Focus on what you want
  2. Show gratitude
  3. Reduce expectations
  4. Change your vocabulary

F. Manifest what you want now

• Write daily in a gratitude journal

• Express self-love
